Welcome to North Star Speech Therapy!

North Star Speech Therapy specializes in individualized and evidence-based pediatric speech and language services in the Twin Cities.

Areas of Specialty

Articulation and phonological disorders

Difficulty pronouncing a single or group of sounds.


childhood apraxia of speech

Less intelligible speech with inconsistent sound errors caused by motor planning difficulties.

language delays and disorders

Challenges with understanding and/or using spoken language.


social communication deficits

Difficulties with the use of verbal and nonverbal language for social purposes.


Disfluent speech often characterized by repetitions, prolongations, or blocks.


augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

Communication devices, systems, strategies, and tools that replace or support natural speech.


The driving forces behind therapy sessions


    • The connection between a client and therapist is the key to successful therapy sessions and outcomes. I strongly value the importance of a connection, and that will always be at the forefront of our therapy sessions together.


    • Each individual is unique, and so are our therapy sessions. Client interests play a large role in my therapy planning.


    • I enjoy learning and regularly engage in continuing education. All treatment techniques used during therapy sessions are backed by research.


    • Family engagement is important for carryover and generalization of the skills learned during therapy. It allows for accountability and implementation of learned skills during the moments when it matters most, outside of the therapy session and in the real world.